60대 일자리 구하기 Looking for a job in your 60s

If you look at a typical job search site, most of them are for young people. As a result, many people who are looking for jobs in their 60s after retirement find it difficult to find a job. Today, I would like to tell you how to check job information that such people can refer to. Please refer to the job search information for those in their 60s below to start a new job.


60대 일자리 구하기


Job Seekers in their 60s Jobs

In order to solve the situation mentioned earlier, the Ministry of Employment and Labor is operating the ‘Elderly Worknet’. Please use the Internet search bar to access the website.


Worknet for adults operated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor supports various services including recruitment information. First, click on Jobs.


Then, you can perform a detailed search in the same way as on a regular job search site. You can search by setting the job type, region, career, education, desired wage, etc.


I simply searched for ‘excavator’ in the color window. Then you can see that 6 jobs related to excavators appear. 60대 일자리 구하기 


– Job change support service: We provide specialized employment and start-up support customized services for retirees aged 40 or older. 좋은뉴스

– Lifetime Career Planning Service: We support you to design and prepare for the future.


– Social contribution activity support project: We provide social service and management ability enhancement to those who want to engage in social contribution activities.

– Middle-aged job hope center: Provides customized services for each specialized stage of work free of charge.


Above, we looked at employment information for job seekers in their 60s and related service information. It will probably be helpful not only for those in their 60s, but also for those who are worried about the future after retirement, and those who are looking for related information. Please use the Senior Worknet to find a job where you want.