우체국 인터넷뱅킹 Post office internet banking

How to do post office internet banking

Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you how to do internet banking at the post office.

Everyone has a smartphone these days, and there is no one who doesn’t really do internet banking, that is, transfer through an application.

However, adults find it difficult to use because

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Because you have to get it issued and copy it to your smartphone 우체국 인터넷뱅킹

So today I am going to tell you how to do it step by step. 좋은뉴스

First of all, it’s really simple. The reason you want to use post office internet banking is because you use post office deposits.

Once you visit the post office, if you want to get an accredited certificate issued at the financial window, you will be informed of the information.

You must bring your ID. First, fill out the electronic financial transaction application

You need to sign up for Internet Banking so that you can get an official certificate.

When you sign up for internet banking, you will also be given a security card. Be sure to bring that security card.

It is a very valuable security card. After applying for an electronic financial transaction, it is said that an official certificate must be issued within 5 days.

The post office can issue an official certificate with the app really conveniently.

I have to copy the certificate to my phone, but I was really impressed with the fact that the post office can issue it directly from the app.

Post office internet banking is really easy

Now, after opening the app, click the Certification Center, then click Issue/Reissue Certificate

Enter your ID and resident registration number when you sign up for Smart Banking, that is, Internet Banking, as mentioned above.

And enter the linked account and password, and the serial number of the security card that was important earlier.

After you write the password for the accredited certificate, it will be issued immediately when you receive the accredited certificate.

Again, I was really surprised that it was possible to issue directly through the app.

In this way, the issuance and application of the post office Internet banking accredited certificate has been completed.

In this way, you will be able to transfer to the post office Internet banking, that is, the application.

You can perform various banking tasks such as transfers and transfer details from the linked account. It’s really easy.

It looks difficult, but it’s really easy if you do it yourself I hope you succeed and enjoy banking business comfortably