국민연금 환급금 National pension refund

National Pension, which is compulsory for Korean citizens aged 18 to 60 with income, to pay monthly

국민연금 환급금

In case of old age, death or disability due to disease, or suspension of income activities due to a sudden accident

A pension system that allows you to maintain your basic livelihood by providing pension to yourself or your survivors 국민연금 환급금

It is one of social insurance.


Did you know that there is a refund for the national pension insurance premium? 좋은뉴스

Isn’t it a huge amount to say that the amount of unrefunded national pension that has accumulated so far is more than 30 billion won?


Refunds also have a expiration date.

How long will the refund expire?

In the case of the national pension, it is said that it is 5 years, and the national health insurance is 3 years.

(Please refer to the link below for how to inquire and find refunds from national health insurance.)


Then, I will tell you how to inquire and apply for the refund of the national pension, so check if there is a refund and before it expires

Please visit us.


What is the refund for overpayment of national pension insurance premiums?

If insurance premiums are double paid or paid by mistake
Insurance premiums were normally assessed and notified, but this is the amount incurred due to retroactive loss of eligibility and adjustment of assessment data.

☞ How to inquire about refunds of national pension insurance premiums

First, go to the National Health Insurance Corporation website.


After logging in, select “Individual” from the customized menu for each visitor – Click the refund inquiry/application menu and apply for a refund if there is one.






In the case of an individual/corporate business, select “Business Site” from the customized menu for each visitor and click “+More”

You can inquire and apply for insurance premium refunds.






After selecting the national pension from the insurance premium refund inquiry/application item, click the search button to inquire if there is a refund.

If there is, you can apply.

There are also notes to note when applying for insurance premiums, so please read them carefully and refer to them.





You can also view your refund on the National Pension Service website.


After logging in to the National Pension website, click Inquiry – Imposition – Payment History – Overpayment Inquiry.

If there is a refund, click on the application for return of overpayment, and you will be connected to the social insurance integrated collection portal site.

You can apply for a refund of the national pension, so don’t miss it and visit us before the refund expires.