크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

Let’s learn more about ‘how to get a discount’ with Cleantopia’s business hours, price list, and tips. The reason why many people find out how to use Cleantopia is because it is a service that allows you to get your laundry done at an affordable price. So, please note that we will list and write the information you need in detail.

And the most important thing to note is that if you store your clothes without washing them, 100% of your clothes will be damaged and you will not be able to wear them for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended that you wash and store your clothes in order to wear them for a long time.

Cleantopia Price List
These days, many private laundromats are disappearing, and a lot of Cleantopia laundry services are emerging. Coin laundry is also a trend. The reason is that there are many cases of washing small, not large, as single-person households expand. 크린토피아 영업시간

In particular, Cleantopia can handle anything that can be washed, from general clothes to shirts, blankets, sneakers, luxury bags, leather furs, outdoor clothes, dolls, school uniforms, etc. 좋은뉴스

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Cleantopia business hours
As there are many different items, the price range can also be completely different. Let me tell you the price of Cleantopia Coin Laundry.

Large washing machine: 4,000 won
Extra-large washing machine: 4,500 won
Large dryer: 4,500 won
Extra large dryer: 5,000 won
Cleantopia price
Now, we have looked at the prices of Cleantopia Coin Laundry above. Now, let’s take a closer look at the price of the agency, Cleantopia.

item charge
Shirt (regular) 1,500 won
Shirt (thick, decorated, etc.) 2,000 won
Shirt 3,000 won
Shirt (dry) 1,500 won
Basically, we have informed you of the upper class price. As you can see, the price tag is quite affordable, which is why many people are looking for it, and the reason why it has become a ‘national laundromat’ is the price.

item charge
Formal tops 3,600 won ~
Jacket 4,500 won ~
T-shirt 3,000 won ~
Thick T-shirt 3,500 won ~
Functional T-shirt 6,000 won ~
Lace, decorative blouse KRW 3,400 ~
Please note that tops and T-shirts are priced as above. Lastly, let me tell you about the bottoms.

item charge
Functional jacket, jumper KRW 11,000 ~
Functional padding 13,000 won ~
Functional bottoms 10,000 won ~
Functional bottoms (with chest) 14,000 won ~
Functional bottoms (top and bottom connection) 20,000 won ~
※ If you want to check more various price information, please check the price of Cleantopia above.

Cleantopia discount service
There are ways to get discounts from Cleantopia. Cleantopia has cleaning day, blanket washing day, and birthday discounts every Wednesday. If you use 3 discounts, you can get a huge discount.

Cleantopia business hours
Please note that some items such as shirts may be excluded from discounts, so please check before proceeding with washing, and it is also important to note that discounts cannot be combined with other discount coupons.

Sometimes you can register your birthday at the store, but please be aware that discounts cannot be applied on the same day.

Cleantopia’s discount system can be applied when pre-paid at laundry convenience stores, and discounts are not available at unmanned laundry boxes and self-service laundromats.

Cleantopia business hours
In the case of Cleantopia, since it is the same as self-employment, the operating hours of each individual’s Cleantopia are completely different. So, it is the fastest way for you to check it yourself. So what do we do?

For business hours, you can check the hours and location in detail by checking the link above.